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There’s something about a good bookstore that makes it a place where you want to get lost in.


Maybe it’s all of the variety of books, maybe it’s  the feel of the place or maybe it’s something else.  For me, it’s the possibility of finding something unexpected. Something that I never even thought of.  On our San Francisco Food Tour of North Beach\Little Italy and Chinatown, it’s the same possibility that makes it really special for me.  It could be a new craft  that someone is making, a new dish that someone came up with, or something a simple as a new take on an old dish, such as new spice or a different way of making it.

 On our San Francesco Food Tour, I always enjoy getting  surprised by something new, sometimes that comes from stops of the tour, sometimes it comes from our tour guests, when they share how they like to cook something similar to what they are trying on the tour. As someone who likes to cook, that is part of the fun of cooking, trying something new and having it turn out, even if it takes a couple of tries to get it right.  The idea of trying a different way of making things can some from an obscure idea or just seeing the ingredient the kitchen when I am trying to make a dish.  Either way, it’s like going through that great bookstore, finding something that I never thought of; however,  it was exactly what I was looking for, I just didn’t know that I was looking for it.

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