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On our San Francisco Food Tours, it’s always interesting how many of our stops like to use organic foods


On our San Francisco Food Tour of North Beach\Little Italy and Chinatown, we often get asked the question about whether organic food tastes any different than conventional food.  It’s an interesting question, one that may be subjective, in other words, it can change according to who one asks.  For myself, I think that I can taste a difference.  Organic food, especially vegetables and fruits seem to have a much cleaner flavor, in other words much sweeter and it tastes more like what the food it.  In other words, the asparagus has more of an asparagus flavor and oranges have much more of an orange taste.

 On our San Francisco Food Tours, it’s always interesting how many of our stops like to use organic foods. Their reasoning seems bout the same as mine, that the food tastes cleaner and tastes more like the food that it actually is.  It seems like that to attention, the attention to the ingredients that makes for really good food.  In other words, if the ingredients are not the best, it’s hard to end with a dish that is the best.  The result is that all one needs it to bring is out the natural flavor of the food.  It’s not really necessary to cover it up or add much to it.  And maybe, that is the reason at our stops tastes so good, they start with the best ingredients and then just bring out the natural flavor of the food.

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