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On our San Francisco Food Tours, it seems like many of the people in the neighborhoods are the same way.


On our San Francisco Food Tour of North Beach\Little Italy and Chinatown, I’ve noticed that each of us a different routine that we are used to every day.  It’s when we wake up, get a cup a coffee, get something for breakfast and then start the day. For many of us, breakfast is small meal. It’s that way for me, when I wake up I want a small breakfast and some coffee is enough for me.  I just like to have a copy of the newspaper, as well.  For some reason, having a paper copy just feels better than the digital version.  I’m not sure why, but it just does. 

On our San Francisco Food Tours, it seems like many of the people in the neighborhoods are the same way.  It’s the reason that you can find the cafes or bakeries full of people, drinking coffee or tea, along with something else to start the day. It’s interesting that part of that is not just food, it’s someone to talk with to start the day. Many of us are probably that way, we like to have someone across the table to talk to, even if we don’t say anything, we just like the fact that they are there.  And whether it’s a home, café, or a bakery, it’s that routine that we like have when we start the day.  

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