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On our San Francisco Food Tours, all of the chefs have made their mistakes way before the food gets to the table


On our San Francisco Food Tour of North Beach\Little Italy and Chinatown it’s always a curious question about what makes good cook.  Is it experience, is it the right equipment or it something else?  Being someone who likes to cook, I think it could be something else.  It could the willingness to try new things and accept the possibility that you’ll have lots of mistakes along the way to learning a new dish.  Tonight, for example, I was trying to make chicken with caramel sauce.  To do that, you need to cook the caramel sauce past the point to where it is sweet to the point that it savory.  To say that there is lots room for error is a major understatement.  It doesn’t take much to go from a savory caramel to a burnt caramel.  In my case, that usually involves lots of burnt caramels along the way.  Once I get that right, it ends up being delicious.

On our San Francisco Food Tours, all of the chefs have made their mistakes way before the food gets to the table, however everyone is always trying new things.  They always test their new ideas on friends, before it goes out to customers,. Before it gets to the tables, there are lots of mistakes, however there lots of really delicious dishes in the end.  Very similar to the way that I make caramel chicken. 


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