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On our San Francisco Food Tour of North Beach\Little Italy and Chinatown, the stops have to please a lot more than just their families


If you ask most people, they can tell their favorite and place for pizza.  For many people, it’s a variation on a tomato and cheese pizza.  And yet, for me, it’s a great base for other flavors.  The key is to make sure that it is a great combination of crispy on the outside and chewy inside.  For me, the crust is everything.  Everyone has their own version of pizza crust and everyone thinks that there’s is the best.  That includes me.  I tend to make version a similar to bread, where I make a yeast-based crust, give it a couple of risings, before rolling it out and baking it in a very hot oven.  The good news is that my family is usually the only ones who eat it, so if it does not turn out well,  I only have a few people who will tell me about it.  That is always one advantage that I have about cooking a home, I don’t have to please very many people, only the people around the dinner table.

On our San Francisco Food Tour of North Beach\Little Italy and Chinatown, the stops have to please a lot more than just their families.  They have to please all of the customers, as well.  The result is they usually try them on their friends and family before the general public.  Being from the neighborhood, I am frequently am one of those people.  Sometimes, not so good.  On the other hand, one of the fun parts of our San Francisco Food Tours for me, is that I get to see friends of mine at our stops on a regular basis and try all of their new stuff.  If it’s good, our guests frequently taste it on a tour.  It’s a yummy thing to do.


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