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Why the food on our San Francisco Food Tour of North Beach\Little Italy and Chinatown tastes so good.


I was reading the food section of our local paper and I got reminded about why the food on our San Francisco Food Tour of North Beach\Little Italy and Chinatown tastes so good. It was a chicken recipe and part of the recipe included garam masala, an Indian spice mixture. My first reaction was that it sounded really good and I told my spouse that I was definitely going to make this dish. As I rethought about it, it reminded me about what we encounter on our San Francisco Food Tours. We see this great mixture of cultures and food that results in some amazing dishes.

I got reminded that makes our food and city so much fun is that it is this incredible mixture of cultures. We’re such a mixture that we really don’t notice it. It’s like our cooking, we add ingredients and spices here or add something different in a different place and we really don’t give a lot of thought of where it comes from. The result is a mixture of food and cultures that is fun to experience and declivous to savor. The great thing, as well, is that due to our climate here in Northern California, we grow almost of that locally. The result is a delicious mixture of food and cultures, coupled with great local food. It makes for a delicious place to live.

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